Deleting recordings older than X days
To remove recordings older than X days (i.e. 30 days), SSH into your dialer and run the following campaign: find /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP3 -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
To remove recordings older than X days (i.e. 30 days), SSH into your dialer and run the following campaign: find /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/MP3 -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
If you wish to search for a certain string in Asterisk only (Example: only show carrier congestion), launch the Asterisk CLI along with the grep command, i.e.: asterisk -rvvvvv | egrep -i “string” Example (showing only congestion notices / errors) asterisk -rvvvvv | egrep -i “congested”
In order to export all callbacks (CBHOLD) from the entire dialer, please log into the MySQL and run the following query: SELECT * FROM `vicidial_list` WHERE `status`=’CBHOLD’ INTO OUTFILE ‘/var/www/html/vicidial/’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’ After that, navigate to http://your-dialer-addres/vicidial/, download and rename the file from .ZIP to
To remove a valid IP address from the iptables, log in via SSH and enter the following commands: iptables-save > tmp_file nano tmp_file Remove / delete the line containing the valid IP address iptables-restore < tmp_file & iptables-save To block an IP (example 111.222.333.444), please use the following command: iptables -A INPUT -s 111.222.333.444 -j
Some list vendors will often sell low-quality dialer lists with a lot of missing information. As an example, here is a command to delete all records with missing Last Name field within the list ‘123’. You can permutate last with first or any other column: DELETE from vicidial_list WHERE list_id=’123′ AND last_name=”; To run a
To simultaneously update all of the username and phone passwords in ViCiDial, please log in to your MySQL (or PhpMyAdmin, if available) and run the following SQL statements: UPDATE phones set pass=’Your_Password’,conf_secret=’Your_Password’ where user_level=1; UPDATE vicidial_users set pass=’Your_Password’,phone_pass=’Your_Password’ where user_level=1;
Many Asterisk servers will have Postfix installed to accommodate the mail function (FreePBX, Elastix, A2Billing etc.). Any server open to the web with Postfix is especially interesting for lamers and injecting spambots. If your server has been infected, finding a particular spambot script is easy. Step 1: Temporarily stop Postfix service postfix stop ~or~ pkill -9
Many end clients will use Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 as agent hardware. Most usual ISO-based password retrieval tools such as NTPassword or KonBoot will fail (mostly with 64bit versions of the OS). A simple and secure way of resetting a local administrator password: Boot the computer in Windows install using removable media (Windows install
In order to locate any files larger than a certain size, please run the following command. The below example searches for all files larger than 500MB. find / -size +500M To display more details and sort the items in the list by size, run the following: find / -type f -size +500M -exec du -h
In order to change all phone and agent login passwords for ViCiDial / GoAutoDial over SSH, please use the following SQL query: update vicidial_users set pass=’password123′,phone_pass=’password123′ where user_level=1; update phones set conf_secret=’password123′,pass=’password123′ where 1;